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Tractivus participates in QuirofAM project from RIS3CAT community

Barcelona – May 2018. Tractivus is pleased to announce its participation in the RIS3CAT community and it has been granted with funds for the development of the QuirofAM project in collaboration with other entities of the Community such as other SMEs, large companies, research centers and universities of the Catalan innovation system. The past 15th of May took place the kick-off at Leitat's headquarters.


QuirofAM, one of the accredited projects within the LLAVOR 3D community of the RIS3CAT strategy, which is promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, to accelerate and develop the adaptation of additive manufacturing in the industrial sector, and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, FEDER in Catalan) Catalonia 2014-2020. The main objective of the QuirofAM consist on the development of new materials, manufacturing process and post-process techniques to create 3D printed devices with innovative properties to be implanted in the human body and avoid post-implantation problems and interact with the surrounding tissues and structures.










​Here you can read  and download the press release from the Kick-off:


​Leitat coordinates the new RIS3CAT "LLAVOR 3D" Community for additive manufacturing and 3D printing 


The LLAVOR 3D Community coordinated by Leitat launched on May 10 at its headquarters in Terrassa. 31 Catalan entities will develop 4 projects with an overall budget of almost € 11M. The objective is to accelerate the development and adoption of additive manufacturing and 3D printing by the industrial sector to improve its competitiveness.


​Terrassa, May 15, 2018. The kick-off of the RIS3CAT LLAVOR 3D Community took place on May 10 at Leitat’s headquarters. The LLAVOR 3D Community is part of the RIS3CAT strategy, whose main objective is research and innovation for the smart specialization of Catalonia, in response to the European Union's demand.


With a budget of almost € 11M, the Community aims to accelerate the development and adoption of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies by the industry. The Community is co-financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya (ACCIÓ), through a grant of 3.8 M€ from the ERDF.

More than 100 people from the 31 member entities of the Community participated in the event, as well as other collaborating entities. Both SMEs and large companies, research centres and universities of the Catalan innovation system participate in the Community.

For companies, these technologies represent an alternative to design, develop and produce new products that strengthen their competitiveness. The Action Plan of the Community foresees technological developments in the sectors of tool manufacturing, improvement of products and industrial processes, transport and health.

Within the projects of the LLAVOR 3D Community, new software tools, new materials, more efficient and versatile production processes, new post processes and surface treatments as well as new 3D printing applications will be developed, contributing to the creation of an R&D ecosystem in additive manufacturing technologies reinforcing the position of Catalonia as an international benchmark.

Funded by:


All members of the RIS3CAT's Community during the Kick-off.

Funded by:

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